Friday, August 21, 2009

THiSe {tHeSe&tHoSe) KIDS toDaY!

¬¬¬¬¬¬¬haViNg doNe mY sHaRe==NoW mY TriPPiN' iS aLL doNe¬¬¬¬¬¬ ••••••••••iN/wiTh\bY SaTuRaTinG thiS PhoTo iN PhoToShoP¬¬¬¬¬¬¬

iT'S puReLy PersoNaL
FoR reaSoNs kNoWn oNLy tO MYseLf
BuT i caN _NoT_ aGree..
i don'T thinK thaT thiS maKeS thE worLd a BeTTer pLacE...
BuT GOD iS iN coNtroL aNd iF { i wouLd beT iT wiLL bE 'wheN' ] thiS iS LeGaL,
i PRaY thaT i haVe thE strengTh tO FoRgO thE PLeaSuRe...

'theY' saY iT brinGs iN/oN a HeaVeNly sTaTe -->buT iT~~aLonG wiTh a LiTTLe/loTs oF L S D~~ broughT mE tO ∞HeLL's veRy ThreshoLd,,,,,
ThanK YOU, CHRIST_JESUS, foR HoLdinG oN tO mY SouL^^^^

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