Monday, August 24, 2009

⁄⁄/⁄⁄!////////////GOD iS GOOD\\\\\\\\\\\\\\!!!!!!!!!!

LiFe iS LiVinG:
TO Die?
^JusT don'T thinK aBouT iT...
MiNDs/ oVeR /MaTTeR.
\WhaT's thE MaTTeR.?¿?
>LooK aT thE PeriodiC TabLe.
,,,ThaT iS maTTer.
===BuT noT "_THE_ MaTTeR"

"WhaT's tHe MaTTeR?
DoN'T yoU FeeL weLL?"
`WeLL, TruthfuLLy:
NoT reaLLy!.
~oH weLL,
thuS/thiS iS LiFe:¬
•GeT uP VacuuM thE inSiDe oF tHe HouSe;
••'woRk' ouTsiDe iN thE yaRd.

∞GOD iS GooD†
G_D iS MiNd & MaTTeR
LiFe iS LoVe & SeX
```DeaTh iS nO LiFe---
+ _NO LoVe```

PeaCe ouT§

1 comment:

Roamwithaview said...

Yeah, when there is nothing to do, vaccuuming and yardwork is always a plenty. I enjoyed this little poem/insight. Thanks for sharing.