Sunday, September 19, 2010

HaVinG a FatheR(earthLy)

ThaT LoVe(s-)eD yoU,,,;
musT meaN sOMething..
SelfishneSS iS a SiN thaT musT bE deLT wiTh===
iT iS aT thE coRe/rooT oF a LoT oF otheR 'siNs'...
WheN meN procreaTe ThaT's sOMethinG;
TheN LoVinG thE WoMaN whO gaVe hiM thE opportuNiTy--weLL, thaT's anotheR thinG aLtogeTheR...
aLL togeTheR noW,
aLL wE aRe saYinG iS GiVe PeaCe a ChanCe...
No moRe SuiciDe BombeRs===
WhO threW thE firsT stoNe???
WhO tOOk WhicH beLongeD NoT tO HiMseLf==
WhaT iS giVeN bY GOD=
i saY eVerythiNg iS wroNg///NoThinG ain'T RighT...
SiLenT NighT: HoLy NighT...
PeaCe aNd FrEEdOM
LoVe Vs. HaTe....
HaTeRs---BotH siDes /WhaT siDes? \ saY thE oTheRs aRe thE HaTerS.....
LooK aT thE expreSSioNs; lisTeN tO thE toNe oF thE voiCes.
WhO sounDs thE angriesT???
RighTeouS angeR?--yoU saY

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