Monday, April 20, 2009


WeLL, toDaY iS LiKe aNy oTheR DaY
ExcePt MoMa iS HaVinG a "proceDuRe"==CardiaC CatheteR/StiNt JoB thiS MorNinG....
50,000 doNe.
1-2 hR ProceduRe..
HoPe thiS maKeS heR feeL BeTTeR!!
She thinKs sHe haS beeN haVinG 'AngiNa' lateLy....
She haS moRe 'MentaL enerGy thaN i do..
BuT iT iS difficuLt foR heR tO eVeN waLk tO thE BathrooM..
aNd i thinK eVen SLeepinG iS a ChoRe (aS faR aS BreaThinG iS concerneD)

My ProbleM iS iN thE miDDLe oF mY HeaD..
iT feeLs liKe theRe iS a VacuuM theRe..
i jusT don'T feeL liKe moVinG froM thE beD..
i jusT wanT to CloSe mY eYeS aNd noT waKe uP...

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