Sunday, March 1, 2009


i enDeD taKinG a DoZeN shoTs=
("i don'T knoW hoW iT WorKs")
i LiKeD thE DaRkneSS/MooD oF thiS oNe..
acTuaLLy eVeNiNg waS CoMinG oN=
HeaVenLy ShaDes of NighT aRe faLLing
Out oF tHe misT yoUR voiCe is caLLing
It's TwLlighT TiMe
When PurpLe coLorEd cuRTainS
Mark the eNd of tHe DaY
I hEAR yoU mY Dear aT TwiLighT TiMe

DeePeniNg sHadoWs gaTher spLendoR
As Day is DoNe
FiNgeRs oF niGhT wiLL sOOn suRRenDer
The seTTing SuN
I couNt tHe moMenTs DarLing
TiLL yoU're heRe wiTh mE
ToGeThRr aT LaST aT TwiLighT TiMe

HeRe iN tHe aFteR-gLow of Day
We kEEp ouR reNdez-VouS beNeaTh tHe bLue
HeRe iN thE sweeT aNd saMe oLd waY
I faLL iN loVe aGain aS I diD theN

DeeP iN The daRk yoUr kiSS wiLL thriLL mE
LiKe daYs oF oLd
LighTiNg tHe SpaRk Of Love thaT fiLLs mE
WiTh dReaMs uNtoLd
EaCh Day I pRay foR eVeNinG jUSt
To bE wiTh yoU
TogeTheR At Last aT TwiLighT TiMe

TogetHer At Last aT TwLlighT TiMe

ThanK yoU PLaTTeRs

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