Sunday, April 11, 2010

DeaR DiaRy

DranKs a DieT ReDBuLL (SuGaR-FRee?)
GoTs uP;
PouReD a cUP a YesTerdaY's poT oF CoFFee
TheN haD a BM..
RB's noT FooD
JaVa/Joe\CoFFee iS
iT goTs thE oL' aLiMentaRy CaNaL GoiN'
oR iT mighT bE jusT the geTTinG ouT oF BeD aNd MoVinG
WeLL aNywaY thaT abouT eXplaiNs a NoRmaL starT oF a SuNdaY..
MoMa iS stiLL sLeepinG..
FoR sOMeoNe whO aLwaYs geT's uP befoRe me thIs saYs a LoT===
We'Re aLmosT NeaR thE TransitioN...

i knoW oNlY oNe thinG foR suRe iF / WheN sHe GoEs
(tO heR FiNaL RewaRd: tO Be wiTh JESUS_CHRIST)
AND thaT iS
i musT KeeP The FaiTh..
i MusT KeeP doinG eXacTLy whaT sHe haS toughT mE...
KeeP CLeaN
KeeP StronG
PaY thE BiLLs
EaT thE righT FooD...
LoVe EveryoNe eLSe
PeaCe <<<< iN The Name oF JESUS_CHRIST †

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