Friday, May 8, 2009


i knoW thiS sounDs CRAZY
i wiSh i couLd jusT gO tO SLeeP aNd NoT waKe uP...
My YouTh,
uP untiL 60+ yeaRs
(thaT's a preTTy LonG YouTh)
waS beyoNd BLeSSeD..
HoweVeR FroM heRe oN i caN imaGiNe NoThinG thaT iS worTh LiVinG foR..
HoW caN i SaY thiS??
i LoVe eVeryoNe
i jusT don'T doN'T haVe aNy EnerGy tO dO thE thinGs i waNt tO dO...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"i just dont have any energy to do the things..."
bro (im a christian too) just wanna say "take care" even tho things / situations are very hard, we win the fight. we DO. we did.