Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
=GaRdeN ScuLpTuRe==StiLL LiFe==
Monday, April 20, 2009
WeLL, toDaY iS LiKe aNy oTheR DaY
ExcePt MoMa iS HaVinG a "proceDuRe"==CardiaC CatheteR/StiNt JoB thiS MorNinG....
50,000 doNe.
1-2 hR ProceduRe..
HoPe thiS maKeS heR feeL BeTTeR!!
She thinKs sHe haS beeN haVinG 'AngiNa' lateLy....
She haS moRe 'MentaL enerGy thaN i do..
BuT iT iS difficuLt foR heR tO eVeN waLk tO thE BathrooM..
aNd i thinK eVen SLeepinG iS a ChoRe (aS faR aS BreaThinG iS concerneD)
My ProbleM iS iN thE miDDLe oF mY HeaD..
iT feeLs liKe theRe iS a VacuuM theRe..
i jusT don'T feeL liKe moVinG froM thE beD..
i jusT wanT to CloSe mY eYeS aNd noT waKe uP...
ExcePt MoMa iS HaVinG a "proceDuRe"==CardiaC CatheteR/StiNt JoB thiS MorNinG....
50,000 doNe.
1-2 hR ProceduRe..
HoPe thiS maKeS heR feeL BeTTeR!!
She thinKs sHe haS beeN haVinG 'AngiNa' lateLy....
She haS moRe 'MentaL enerGy thaN i do..
BuT iT iS difficuLt foR heR tO eVeN waLk tO thE BathrooM..
aNd i thinK eVen SLeepinG iS a ChoRe (aS faR aS BreaThinG iS concerneD)
My ProbleM iS iN thE miDDLe oF mY HeaD..
iT feeLs liKe theRe iS a VacuuM theRe..
i jusT don'T feeL liKe moVinG froM thE beD..
i jusT wanT to CloSe mY eYeS aNd noT waKe uP...
Thursday, April 9, 2009
LiKe a jourNaL hoY ~~oi hoje~~~bom dia
ChucK NorriS/yeaH=WaLkeR TeXaS RaNgeR
haD thiS oN aN/iN oP Ed PieCe iN a HuMaN EveNTs e-maiL thiS MorN aNd i thoughT i mighT BetteR coPy iT aS i LoVe thiS 'aNcieNT' eXpreSSioN oF ReaLiTy...
I BELIEVE thiS teLLs/saYs iT aLL:::::::::
""""""Mostly, I believe in the collection of beliefs stated so poetically in the Apostles' Creed: "I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ His only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary; suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and buried; he descended to the grave: the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sits on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from where he will come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit; the holy Christian church; the fellowship of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and eternal life. Amen.""""""""
TheRe iS reaLLy NoThing eLse thaT NeeDs to Be SaiD..
EverythiNg eLse iS TriViaL
aNd/oR TraVaiL
aNd uS aLL
PeaCe ouT
haD thiS oN aN/iN oP Ed PieCe iN a HuMaN EveNTs e-maiL thiS MorN aNd i thoughT i mighT BetteR coPy iT aS i LoVe thiS 'aNcieNT' eXpreSSioN oF ReaLiTy...
I BELIEVE thiS teLLs/saYs iT aLL:::::::::
""""""Mostly, I believe in the collection of beliefs stated so poetically in the Apostles' Creed: "I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ His only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary; suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and buried; he descended to the grave: the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sits on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from where he will come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit; the holy Christian church; the fellowship of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and eternal life. Amen.""""""""
TheRe iS reaLLy NoThing eLse thaT NeeDs to Be SaiD..
EverythiNg eLse iS TriViaL
aNd/oR TraVaiL
aNd uS aLL
PeaCe ouT
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
WednesdaY tO L A ToDaY
MoNdaY MorNinG aT 4AM MoMa haD paiNs iN the chesT aNd going dowN heR arM sO i maDe heR Go to MerCy ER
We staYeD iN ER froM 6am 'tiLL 1PM
TheY gaVe uS LuncH/sHe gaVe 1/2 of iT..
TheY PerformeD soMe NucleaR ScaNs oN heR LunGs & kidneYs¿¿¿
TheN wE caMe HoMe...
HeR heaRt Dr. prescRiBeD a NeW druG foR aNgiNa LonG lastinG supposeDLy
&&&& To daY She PaSSeD ouT siTTinG aT the TabLe waitinG foR diNNeR...
MaN, taLk abouT scaRed..
i thought sHe waS DEAD...
sHe wasn'T breathing aNd starteD spaZinG/shaKinG ....
i graBBeD heR undeR the aRms aNd puLLeD heR uP shaKinG heR and YeLLinG..WaKe uP..
She finaLLy becaMe consciouS aNd asKeD "whaT hapPeneD?"
+"WhY waS i StandinG oVeR heR?"
i waS so scaReD i aLmosT threW uP MyselF froM the aDrenaLiN rusH.....
We staYeD iN ER froM 6am 'tiLL 1PM
TheY gaVe uS LuncH/sHe gaVe 1/2 of iT..
TheY PerformeD soMe NucleaR ScaNs oN heR LunGs & kidneYs¿¿¿
TheN wE caMe HoMe...
HeR heaRt Dr. prescRiBeD a NeW druG foR aNgiNa LonG lastinG supposeDLy
&&&& To daY She PaSSeD ouT siTTinG aT the TabLe waitinG foR diNNeR...
MaN, taLk abouT scaRed..
i thought sHe waS DEAD...
sHe wasn'T breathing aNd starteD spaZinG/shaKinG ....
i graBBeD heR undeR the aRms aNd puLLeD heR uP shaKinG heR and YeLLinG..WaKe uP..
She finaLLy becaMe consciouS aNd asKeD "whaT hapPeneD?"
+"WhY waS i StandinG oVeR heR?"
i waS so scaReD i aLmosT threW uP MyselF froM the aDrenaLiN rusH.....
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
SaN DieGo BaY{or iS iT HarBoR?}
Friday, April 3, 2009
IT iS JusT sOMethinG tO WhiLe aWaY The HouRs
Thursday, April 2, 2009
A TwO feR ThuRsDaY
A couPLe oF oLdieS..
i aM VeRy DePreSSeD ToDaY
YoU SaY..
So WhaT,
i aGrEE
ThaNk yoU veRy MucH..
i jusT waNT tO DiE tO Be wiTh HiM.
BuTttttt::: " ,,,caN NoT yoU LiVe AND bE WiTH HIM"???
i SuPPoSe,
iT's jusT thaT
mY BoDy iS tireD
=uSeD uPpppppp
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^thaT's whY i'M DoWn
i PRaY^^^^^^^^^^^^^
TheSe tWo froM 2004 oN oLd harDDriVe
i aM VeRy DePreSSeD ToDaY
YoU SaY..
So WhaT,
i aGrEE
ThaNk yoU veRy MucH..
i jusT waNT tO DiE tO Be wiTh HiM.
BuTttttt::: " ,,,caN NoT yoU LiVe AND bE WiTH HIM"???
i SuPPoSe,
iT's jusT thaT
mY BoDy iS tireD
=uSeD uPpppppp
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^thaT's whY i'M DoWn
i PRaY^^^^^^^^^^^^^
TheSe tWo froM 2004 oN oLd harDDriVe
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